Outside of the annual open enrollment period, to add/remove dependents or make changes, you need to have a Qualifying Life Event. (QLE)
QLE’s include the following:
- Divorce/Legal Separation (Add/Remove Dependent)
- Birth/Adoption of a child (Add Dependent)
- Marriage (Add/Remove Dependent)
- Moving to a new State or new Rate Area where your current Plan is not available. (Re-shop)
- Loss of Coverage (Add Dependent)
- Death of a dependent (Remove Dependent)
**All Qualifying Life Events require supporting documentation**
If you believe you have a qualifying life event, please email us at employee.experience@sureco.com and cc your HR specialist. Please include your supporting documentation.
The following are not Qualifying Life Events:
- Changing jobs within your current company
- Getting pregnant
- Moving within the same rate area
- Being Diagnosed with a Major Disease/Illness
Note: Voluntary termination of your COBRA does not count as a Qualifying Life Event. However, exhausting COBRA does trigger a QLE during the Special Enrollment Period because it counts as a loss of coverage.
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